Monday, October 25, 2010

39 week and 5 day Appt

My husband told me not to write this blog because he knows how detailed I can be. So I'll try to make it short and not make him too mad! Love you Josh!
So Friday I had my first "check", where the midwife sees how dilated I am. I was going to the appointment alone and was a little nervous about it. I got there on time only to have the clinic be running late. I sat alone in the waiting room for about an HOUR! Once they put me in a room, I had the thrill on undressing from the waist down. They gave me a large napkin to cover up with. As if I need to cover up, the lady is going to check if I'm she is going to get a good look at everything! There I was napkin on my lap and the room was freezing. She took a while to come in, so I'm sitting there debating if I should get up and put on my jacket. Only thing i'm pretty much naked and very pregnant, so getting up and over to my jacket could take so time. I just knew that if i got up and bent over to pick up my jacket she would walk in at the perfect time to be mooned by my very big pregnant butt. This made me decide just to wait and freeze.
She did come in eventually and the appointment began. Now this is where my husband would like me to not go into detail, so what I will tell you is this... she checks to see if I'm dilated (SO uncomfortable) and while she is still up there she casually asks me if I want her to sweep my membrane in hopes to soften my cervix. Since her hand is just waiting inside of me, i wanted to make the decision as quickly as possible. So, I said "sure". The uncomfort that followed made the initial check seem pleasurable. After the "sweeping" I had major cramps for 6 hours but no baby.

Here I am Monday morning and still no Bliss. At my check up I was barely 1 cent., softened but hardly thinned. My hopes is that the uncomfort of that day did something. My next appointment is Friday. I hope Bliss comes before then.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Bags are packed, just waiting.

Bags are packed, bassenet is made, room is set, BELLY IS HUGE>we are ready for you! Every morning Josh calls me on his break and asks if I'm in labor yet. At 37 weeks Josh wanted me to take castro oil to induce labor. If Bliss comes late, I'm blaming Josh because it would be God teaching him to be patient. Or at lease that's what I'll tell him.

Last weekend Bliss coming seemed so close! I was having contractions, lower back pain, had to pee ALL of the time, think I have lost my mucus plug, and had the most intense pelvic pressure. All these signs have seemed to dwindle to no signs. Which is pretty frustrating at 38 plus weeks. Most nights I still sleep so I guess I can't complain very much.

Friday, October 1, 2010

My Birth Plan!

Joanna's “if everything goes right” Birth Plan


I’d would like my husband Joshua and my mother, Brenda to be in the birth room during labor and delivery. I would like to bring my own music and wear my own clothing during labor and delivery. I would like to eat and drink during labor if I wish to.

Once I'm admitted, I'd like Joshua to be allowed to stay with me at all times. I’d prefer to only have the midwife, nurse, and guests present in the birthing room. Please no medical students, or other hospital personnel. I would prefer not to have an IV; I’d like to drink to stay hydrated. I want to walk and move around during labor.

As long as the baby and I are doing fine, I'd like to have intermittent rather than continuous electronic fetal monitoring. I would like to be allowed to progress naturally, free of stringent time limits.

If they're available, I'd like to use a birthing ball, birthing stool, a squatting bar and definitely the tub.


I would like to wait until I am ten centimeters before starting to push. When it's time to push, I'd like to be coached on when to push and for how long.

During pushing I’d like to be able to try whatever position feels right at the time. As long as my baby and I are doing fine, I'd like the pushing stage to be allowed to progress free of stringent time limits.


I'd like to try the following pain-management techniques, bath/shower,
hot/cold therapy, massage, please don't offer me an epidural, I'll request it if I need it.


I do not want to view the birth using a mirror. I would like to risk a tear rather than have an episiotomy. I do not want to use forceps or the vacuum. If one is needed I would like the opportunity to rest and try pushing again. If help is still needed I want a vacuum used not forceps? I would rather have an emergency C-section then use forceps.

After birth, I would like the baby placed directly on my stomach, though I would like any blood gentle wiped off of her along with her nose and mouth suctioned to make sure she is breathing. I want to wait until the umbilical cord stops pulsating before it's clamped and cut. My husband, Joshua, would like to cut the umbilical cord. I don’t want to get routine oxytocin (Pitocin) after I deliver the placenta unless necessary. I would like to breastfeed as soon as possible. After delivery, I would like a half an hour to an hour of alone time with myself, Joshua and the baby, putting off any procedures that aren't urgent. During this time I would like my mother to tell anyone in the waiting room how baby and I are doing.


If a c-section is absolutely necessary I would like my husband present at all times during the operation, including during the epidural. I do not want the screen lowered a bit so I can see my baby coming out. I would like the baby given to my partner as soon as she's dried (as long as she's in good health). I would like to breastfeed my baby as soon as possible. I do not want my baby to be given a bottle.


After delivery, I'd like all newborn procedures to take place in my presence. I want my partner to stay with the baby at all times if I can't be there. I would prefer to stay in a private room, though I understand that may not be possible. I plan to breastfeed exclusively. Please don't offer anything to my baby at any point unless I request something.

I only want immediate family at the hospital after Bliss is born. Grandparents, Aunts and Uncles, and friends can come see her as soon as we bring her home.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Conversation piece...My Belly

So I have reached the point in pregnancy that it is very apparent that I am pregnant, and the whole world wants to talk about it. In one shopping day I was asked over 6 times when I was due and what I was having. These questions are usually welcomed, what pregnant women doesn't want to talk about her baby. But some strangers take it even farther. I haven't had strangers ask to touch my belly, thank God because being touched by strangers is just too weird for me. I was in line at Walmart and the lady in front of me wanted to talk about my pregnancy, which was fine, but then she started talking about how much raising a teenage girl sucks... Not exactly what I care to hear Lady! But that was nothing compared to the lady at Target. I was walking (quite fast) from the dressing room to meet my mom, I passed by a women pushing a shopping cart with her son. Just after we passed each other, she yelled out, "IT"S A BOY!" ....Really, rude lady, do you usually yell out unwanted and uninformed information at strangers. If you do, that's probably not a bright idea. I was so shocked by her that I said nothing, just continued walking with a "what the heck just happened face on". Now that is just taking it to far. So if you see a pregnant women don't yell out your guess as to what she might be having... she will just think you are a moron.

Monday, September 13, 2010


As of today (yesterday as of 4 minutes ago) I am 34 weeks pregnant!! That means 3-6 weeks left. I can't believe it's this close already. The whole pregnancy you are waiting and preparing but it seems like this far off thing and then, you wake up and realize it is no longer very far off. You think of everything you haven't done yet and... it can be overwhelming. Then, there is the preparing for LABOR. You tell yourself I can do this all natural, I have a high pain tolerance but the closer the day gets the more you think, I don't WANT to do this!! In other words I'm feeling a little anxiety right now, the preg books say that is normal.

In other news, Bliss had hiccups! If you don't remember, I was wanting to know what they felt like. The first time I noticed her hiccuping was on my birthday! Kinda fun. She only had them for like 30 sec, it was the perfect amount of time. Since then, she had them when I was getting ready for her Baby Shower and then again today. I'm kind of over them now... It was exciting at first but now I'd be okay if she didn't get them again.

Bliss is no longer dancing in my stomach, she is now practicing karate in my stomach. Hence me being up at 12:24 AM! (Plus, the indigestion doesn't make falling asleep easy either.) I laid down in bed around 9:30 tonight. Josh felt Bliss move for a little and then we both turned over to go to bed. He fell asleep and I did not, Bliss didn't either. Every side I would lay on I'd feel her pushing and kicking that side. Being the nice mother that I am, I'd think maybe she's uncomfortable so I would change sides. But that wouldn't help, she would just start pushing on the side that I was now laying on. So I tried laying on my back at an angle. That only made her movement cause shooting back pain. The last thing I tried was to lay like a stink bug(butt in the air) for a while and then back on my side. This failed to help. Once I was back on my side, she found my bladder. After a few good kicks I had to get up to pee and thought for get it, she isn't going to let me sleep just yet. When I got out of bed... IT WAS 11:30, remember i got in bed at 9:30. So she had been moving and keeping me up for two hours. We'll see if she'll let me sleep now.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Finding out the Hard way

Girls like go shopping together right. It's supposed to be fun. Trying on clothes while pregnant, not fun, and it should only be done with a personal cheerleader. On Friday I went on a "arin" day with my mom. We ended up at target where she wanted me pick out something for my birthday. Clothes shopping, this should be fun right? After grabbing every un-ugly pregnant thing in my size, mom sent me into the fitting room while she ran to go get something else...this was not a good idea. With everything I tried on something would look terrible; this shirt makes me look like a large square up top, this dress shows my increasingly large saddle bags off, this is too small because I'm a whale... and so on. Being alone, all these thoughts where in my head with no one to say anything different. I went in to the dressing room with about 20 items and left with 2. 1 out of 10 didn't look insanely terrible on me. We met up with Josh for lunch after this "great" shopping spree, and he could tell I was down. I told him that was the last time I'd go shopping without him there as my personal cheerleader, so I wouldn't feel so "ick" afterwards. He agreed!

It's hard when your body is constantly changing to except and learn how to dress it. If your pregnant or going through physical changes my advice, other then bringing a cheerleader along shopping, is to find what you feel good in and stick with it. If you feel like your thighs are large then wear long shorts or pants, If your butts growing bigger and bigger wear shirts that are longer to hide the butt. If you have one pair of pants that you LOve wear them everyday, why not! (just do wash them at some point).

Thursday, August 26, 2010

A Good Word

About a week or more ago Josh brought out his guitar and we spent some time together worshiping and praying. (something every married couple should do) As I sat there listening to Josh's heart for God, I was thinking I want a passage in the Bible to pray over my little girl. So I decided to read my own life verse (It was refreshing to remind myself of the words God has spoken over me {you should definitely do it}) Josh has always related to the story of John the Baptist so I then turned to Luke. Luke 1: 41-45 jumped out at me. The name Bliss means extreme joy. Luke 1:44 says "For indeed as soon as the voice of your greeting sounded in my ear, the babe leaped in my womb for JOY." When Mary (who was carrying the presence of God [Jesus in her womb]) came in, John was filled with joy. My little Bliss will be one who has joy in God's presence! amen.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Ultrasound 2

During my midwife appointment in July, I mentioned to the midwife that I was concerned that my uterus wasn't big enough. All the books were saying that I should be able to feel it so far above my belly button but I felt it much lower than it was supposed to be. I was a "little" worried. The midwife she said will check again next month and if it still seems low we'll go ahead a schedule an ultrasound to check things out. Anyone who has seen me before knows that I have an extremely long torso, I knew that this could be why the uterus seemed low. Knowing this I still freaked a little. It's funny, if I thought I was sick before pregnancy I would always put it off and not worry. Telling myself "I'll get threw it", or "I'll be fine." Being pregnant has completely changed all that. If I have a headache that lasts a little too long, a pain in my stomach, or anything else different then normal; I would call the doctor or bring it up at the next visit. My care-free, "it will all work out" philosophy has been taken over by worry and stress. Knowing that your every action no longer just effects you, changes the way you do everything. The way you eat , the way you drive... I wasn't the nicest or most focused driver pre-baby. So anyways, back to the point... Come Augusts visit I still didn't feel much growth. The Midwife said to go a head and get the ultrasound just to check on our little girl. She asked about her movement. She had been moving ALOT. The midwife said that as long as she's moving then she's doing fine but lets go ahead just in case. I think she just wanted to ease my troubled mind. Little did she know she would end up worrying me the most.

About 2 or 3 days later I noticed a lull in Bliss' movement. I had just hit 28 weeks and all the books say that baby is most active 24-28 weeks along. So I knew that she could simply be slowing down because of the shrinking room in my tummy but I just kept thinking of what the midwife said, "as long as she's moving"... It was too much. I was worried. So I called around and got my ultrasound appointment moved up a week. I thought I would die if I had to wait another week. So Josh takes off of work and we went to see our little girl again. I was part excited to see her and part freaked that something was wrong. I was told to drink 40 oz of water and NOT PEE for TWO HOURS. So to say the least I was very uncomfortable. The ultrasound tech had me lay down and started. She asked if this was our first ultrasound and how far along I was and then was SILENCE. She was silent for like 15 minutes! It felt like a life time. The screen was turned away from me so I saw nothing. With each minute that passed I got more and more worried, thinking is something wrong...TALK LADY! Then she told me that my bladder was very full ( like the pain in my stomach wasn't already cluing me in on that one) so I could go to the bathroom before she finished. I did, when I got back she explained that they had some dumb rule that they can't tell the poor parents anything until they have a certain amount of footage. So now she started talking, THANK GOD. She showed us the baby's heart, head, and all the other parts. She told me she looked great and the PERFECT SIZE. At that moment I could breath. It was the best, most reassuring thing she could say. She told me that the placenta had attacked very high and that I was caring her towards my back which makes me look a like smaller then others. But our little girl was healthy!

She did point out one thing...Bliss' cute, large nose! She has Daddy's nose! I'm sure she'll pull it off and make it look good.

Here are our new pictures...these look like a baby, not an alien.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

This wasn't hard before

In life there are things that we do on a normal bases not really with thinking about it. Like taking a shower and changing our sheets. It is strange how caring a baby inside of your stomach can make these normal things not so easy. This week I spent at Amy's (most of you know who she is) and I went to change her sheets. Getting them off was easy enough. But when I tryed to bend over to tuck the new sheets in, there was something (someone) in my way. I ended up having to spread my legs way apart and bend my knees to make room for the baby while I bent over....It was a pretty funny site. Amy was laughing at me the whole time. Showering has become more of a sport too. My balance is crap because of the growing weight on my front side. This makes hoisting one leg up and balancing long enough to shave that leg near impossible. And TMI but shaving my bikini line...forget it, I can't see anything with this belly in the way. I can't wait for the day I can change sheets again!!

New ultrasound pictures to come!!!

Monday, August 2, 2010

The Uncomforts of Sleep

Third Trimester, here we are! I can't believe I'm less then three months away from meeting my angel. I mean it, I have a hard time believing it. It's strange how you can want something for years and think you are ready for it. Then it's really happening and you find yourself scared enough to pee your pants. And being pregnant makes peeing your pants easy. I maybe a little shocked at the idea of being a mother but the idea of not being pregnant sounds more amazing with each restless night(which are all nights). It seems like the second I hit my third trimester I hit a wall. My back is killing me! Today Josh said to me, " why can't I massage your back and it last a couple of days." I WOULD LOVE IT TO LAST! I hate that at the end of most days some part of my back will have shooting pain that wont let me sleep. All the books say if you have back pain then you shouldn't do anything for to long, you know sitting, laying, standing. You are supposed to switch it up. But it's really hard to "switch it up" when you want 8 hours(or longer) of sleep at night. Like in the middle of sleeping I want to get up and walk around, or sit on the computer for 30 minutes before laying back down(which is actually what I am doing right now). What I have been doing is changing my sleep position 8 or 9 times a night. Usually one of the positions is sitting up, I prop a butt load of pillows behind my back and I sleep like that. No lie. Yesterday, I was having intense shoulder pain(please note I am also very emotional, the closer to delivering the more emotional I am) and thinking I CAN'T DO THIS FOR 3 MONTHS so I started crying... from shoulder pain, what a baby. I'm supposed to be a mom, not the crying baby. I kept thinking if I can't handle my back hurting then labor is not gonna go so well. I think a baby coming out of my "girli" is going to hurt alot more then my back is hurting. Other then hating sleep because its more tossing then sleep, I'm doing good. Baby Bliss is moving ALL the time. It's nice to feel her. No hiccups yet. I kind of want her to get them just because I have heard so much about how weird it feels.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010


So I have done this before, you know wedding registries. You pick your colors and then dishes, bath towels, and so on. All stuff you have seen before and know how to use but this... this is different. There is stuff you would think "why would I need that" or "what does this do" yet every mom will tell you, "make sure you register for this." It's crazy. Josh and I (yes Josh actually went with me) registered for everything you(or at least I) could think of at Target and we only have like 40 things on our registry. The lady at Babies R Us told me we should have like 200 things on our registry... I'm a little short of 200! And why is it that everything only comes in Pink or Blue. It's like in baby world those are the only colors that exist. That, and like creme and yellow for all those "I don't know the sex" people. I JUST WANT PURPLE. Why can't purple exist separate from some ugly pink butterfly! And why does it have to be this bright girl color not soft, elegant girl colors. Anyway I have been working on my registries if you want to check them out. Remember it's a work in progress. I'm registered at Target and Babies R Us.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Pregnancy vs Baby

When you are pregnant you have to be careful about what you eat, when you have a baby you don’t have time to eat.
When you are pregnant you get tired easily, when you have a baby they sleep, you don’t.
When you are pregnant you get a headache if you don’t eat enough, when you have a baby you get a headache from the screaming and crying. (from you or the baby)
When you are pregnant your nipples are sensitive, when you have a baby your nipples get sucked ‘til they crack and maybe even bleed.
When you are pregnant you get up 2 or 3 times to pee, when you have a baby you get up every 3 hours to feed.
When you are pregnant it is hard to get comfortable enough to sleep, when you have a baby you have to get them to sleep before you can sleep.
When you are pregnant your hair gets fuller and healthier, when you have a baby your hair gets pulled on.

Feel free to add to the list!!
This is just a joke. I can't wait to have my little girl.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Shopping with him vs. Shopping with a her

Church is like 5 minutes from Carlsbad Outlet mall so a sunday ago, after church, Josh and I went to the mall. Josh's Grandma had given me money the day before so I could buy something for the baby. I'm thinking we'll walk around, get lunch and find something cute for baby. See this sounds like fun to any girl(especially a pregnant one). Shopping, walking, food = fun, Right? Well, not in "man", I soon came to realize. After getting food we walked into the first baby store. First thing Josh does is pick out a cute girl monkey outfit and shows it to me. I think to myself this is going to be SO fun. We are going to hold hands and talk about our future little one. I could do that for hours. What I didn't then realize is that he was thinking, "here is something she might like. We'll buy it and then we can leave." Each store we walked into after that one Josh would just stare at me as to say are you done yet? The experience was a far stretch from going baby shopping with a girlfriend or say my mother. EXAMPLE: The day I found out we are having a girl what do me and my mom do... GO SHoPPINg of course. We went to two different stores, pointed out every cute thing we saw. Looked at the baby hats to match the onesie we bought. Talked about the theme of the nursery. We shopped for two hours and only stopped because my mom had to go to work. At first I thought this is just my husband, I'm alone in this. Then I talked to my pregnant friend and found that this is a common story. She told me how when her and her husband go to Target he will put her between himself and the shopping chart, in order to keep her from the baby aisle. So the solution is simple ladies find a "her" to shop with and get him to pay for it!!!!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Nursery What to do???

I have been thinking about this one since...well, the very day I found out I was pregnant. I had everything planned for a boy. The colors in the room, what I'd paint on the wall, the monkey mobile. Everything was thought out. And since stupid me just didn't really think I'd have a girl I put little thinking into a little girls room. Now, I got to think about it. My Ideas have changed many times. I thought Peter Pan inspired Neverland theme, with fairies and mermaids. That cute, but not easy to find. It's like Tinkerbell or butterflies, No cute fairies. So I changed to butterflies and flowers but it's a little to "girly" for me. Everything butterflies is PINK and purple, bright and kiddish. I want something more famine and fancy, something SOFT.

My current Idea is to forget about themes and just pick colors and maybe a cute print. Here are the colors.

Baby Blue and a soft purple. What do you guys think? I need help so I can start registering and collecting stuff.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

The Ultrasound

We went in on Wednesday June 2, 2010 9:30 am. For me 9:30 is a little early to be showered and dressed. Luckily, for me Josh was off work so I had a great alarm clock. Josh was so excited he woke up around 6:00, he so nice enough to not get me up then. When he did wake me up it was to beautiful bright orange roses. He told me that Orange meant anticipation. It was very cute. Nick and My mom went with us to the clinic. The wait seemed unending. I was feeling so inpatient; it was killing me, BOY, GIRL, BOY, GIRL?? I couldn’t take it. After a hellish half-hour, my name was called. Poor Nick had to wait in the waiting room; they would only let two people go back with me. I had crazy nerves; finally, I got to see my growing baby. I got to see if he or she was healthy and whole. All my worries would be silenced AND I would know if Monkey was a little girl or boy. It was overwhelming to say the lease. I pulled my shirt up, my preg. pants down, laid back, and got ready for the show of my life. The lady put some goo on my exposed belly-dump and the show started. It was hard to know what was what but the lady did a great job explaining everything. She showed us the little ones heart and how you could see all four parts. She showed us the tummy and said everything looks healthy. We got to see a little foot, it was amazing. Everything was there; you could see every little bone. I have never seen a cuter foot in my life. Monkey was laying with legs spread and ankles crossed. The Lady asked if we wanted to know the sex, I smiled and eagerly said yes! “See those three things there,” long pause, “those are little GIRL parts.” And with that we knew: Monkey is a girl. Josh and I are having a girl. I was shocked; I thought monkey was a boy and boy was I wrong. My little girl had both of your hands by her face. She was moving those arms. She seems calm and precious. Hopefully she will be this calm and sweet when she is outside of the womb. Josh was "not so thrilled" at first but after about an hour his whole idea changed. He talked about how much he loves his little girl and doesn't even know her yet. I think It is just now real to him. Like seeing her made him realized that this is really happened.
Here she is!! This is a picture of the profile of her face. One hand is up by her face and the other in the left upper corner and looks like she is flipping you off. She has my attitude already.
She's not an alien, just looks kinda like one.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Now that was the Baby!

As all of you know I have been anxiously awaiting the baby moving. I had one time that I told you about that I thought I felt little Monkey move. Well as of yesterday there is no question that he/she is moving! Last night me and Josh were watching Office( as we so often do) and I felt this little push in my tummy. It startled me and I jumped. Josh looked at me strangely and said, "what?" I told him I felt the baby! It was exiting to know for sure that it wasn't just gas. Later that same night I crawled into bed and laid on my left side, when my stomach started rolling! That little Monkey was dancing or practicing cartwheels. I felt constant movement for like 30 seconds. It was CRAZY. I told Josh and he tried to feel him/her but didn't feel anything. He wanted to feel it so badly, it was cute. The funny thing was that Josh pushed so hard it felt like he was just pushing the baby from side to side in my tummy.

SIdeNote: Our ultrasound is scheduled for June 2nd! Which means as long as MOnkey isn't sitting cross legged then we will know if Monkey is a girl monkey or a boy monkey!!!!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Was that you Monkey?

Today as I blow-dried my hair I felt something! It was in my lower abdomen it felt kind of like a slow moving bubble, but a little different. I thought to myself was that the baby???? During the last couple days I had given up trying to feel Monkey. I was in denial that I would every feel this little one. I would go all nine months without a move. He(she) would just lay in my tummy as still as possible until he(she) popped out one day. I was being just a little extreme... When I first heard that I was at the point of being able to feel the baby, every night I would torture myself. I would sit in bed hold really still and focus on my tummy. I would be so focused that I would almost forget to breath. At times I would move from side to side wanting to see if that would make Monkey move. When that wouldn't work I would push on my stomach. I did this every night for like twenty minutes. It was silly and ridicules. I didn't care if I was being silly, I just wanted to feel something! It is so frustrating to see your boobs, butt, and belly grow without everyday conformation that your growing butt is for your beloved baby. This Friday I have another check up. It will be nice to hear Monkeys heart beat and be told once again he's (she's) there and healthy. So today, the 18th of May might have been the felt first baby movement. Again I say might. Who really can tell the difference when they have never felt it before.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

A night sleep FINALLY

Last night was probably the first night in 17 weeks that I didn't wake up once to pee!! It was amazing. I think it was only because the last two nights I haven't slept at all really. Thursday night was like a sitcom. Josh and I went to bed at 10ish, ( which is late for us, we are old married people) about two minutes after Josh fell asleep I became STARVING. I tried so hard to ignore my screaming stomach and just fall asleep but it was impossible. I pulled my tired body out of bed and made so food. I peed before going back to bed probably around 12. I laid in bed unable to get comfortable for EVER, ok more like an hour. But can you imagine tossing and turning for an HOUR. It feels like forever. So then after an hour of uncomfort I HAD TO PEE. That is right it had only been an hour and I had to pee again. So I got up and used the bathroom hoping that once I did I could finally fall asleep. At 1:00 am it is very dark in the apartment so I was forced to turn on the bathroom light so i didn't pee on the floor or the closed toilet seat.(wouldn't that of sucked) Of course, the bright light shocked my brain to wide awake. So once I laid back in bed I was having to fall asleep from square one. Finally, after ten or so minutes I fall into a sweet slumber. It was amazing to finally be comfortable and asleep. Sadly this didn't last very long. Around 5:00 I woke up to that so familiar urge, that right I had to pee again. The terrible part here is when I got in bed my lovely husband's alarm started to go off. He decided to hit snooze for a half an hour. During this time I laid wide awake listening to Bob Marley every five minutes(his alarm). When he got his lazy butt out of bed I got to finally fall back to sleep just to wake up two hours late to start my day. It was easily my worst night of pregnancy.
Friday night was bad too, my hip was hurting and getting comfortable was next to impossible. At least, on friday I only woke up to pee once. But, I still only got like 5 hour which was divide up by uncomfortable wake ups.
So two Horrible nights of sleep led to one great night of sleep.

Friday, May 14, 2010


During my father-in-laws rabbit-trail toast at our wedding he told a story about Josh. Went Josh was little he said he wanted to have a van full of monkeys and travel the world. This story has haunted us ever since that long toast. We are not having a baby but one of the many monkey that will end up filling a van and traveling with us. I had not fought this idea but received it with open arms.
So Josh and I have lovingly nick-named our baby MONKEY.
***as you can see by the pictures my mom has gone a little monkey crazy.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Move Already!!!

As of Mother's Day I am 16 weeks pregnant and I heard somewhere (preg. books I'm reading like crazy) that at 16 wks you can feel the baby move. I also heard that when you are "thin" you may be able to feel the baby move earlier. Just one more joy of being skinny(though I am not so skinny right now). Of course, I heard this a while ago so for the last few days all I can think is WHY AREN'T YOU MOVING!!! I go from worrying that something is terribly wrong, to being insanely mad at my growing, unborn baby for not being active enough. Like he/she will get fat in there if he/she doesn't exercise or something. Pregnancy makes you a little crazy. The funny thing is that my midwife told me that it is common for women not to feel the baby until their 20th week of pregnancy. I am an inpatient women who would like to feel my 5 inch baby moving!!! Now I know that is will only be the beginning of something that will end up annoying me greatly later on. Can you image when the little one is 30 something weeks along and kicking me in the lungs. Then I wont be so happy about the feeling him/her part but for now MOVE BABY!!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

For married and not my parents eyes only...

DISCLAIMER: This blog is for those who are pregnant or may become pregnant.

Now last blog I told you how everyone says you will have energy the second you enter your 2nd trimester and I am yet to see that happen. Now there is one place in my life I have seen a significant change. During my 1st trimester I was so tired and sick that I hated being touched! You gave me a hug my boobs would hurt, you put your arm around my stomach and I thought I'd throw up. It was bad and my poor husband could do nothing right, let alone anything to turn me on. On the few occasion I'd feel up to anything, it was more like, are you done? I'm ready for bed. Like I said this is the one area that has changed since I entered my 2nd trimester and I'd have to say if i could of picked which area this would of been my pick. TMI, but last night my husband didn't have to do any seducing (which is crazy, surprising for pregnant me) and I'd have to say he was very surprised himself. So if you are in your first trimester and desperate for some energy, you will get it, maybe not in all areas but hopefully in this one ;)

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

My Growing To Due List

I have entered my 2nd trimester! I expect to be surged with energy, wake up to a stomach not in knots and feel so much better with each day. Everyday I wake up mad that this isn't the case. I wake up bladder full, stomach screaming for food though nothing sound good and all I want to do is sleep. Energy!, who has energy. I thought this would be a breeze compared to the last 13 weeks but no breeze. I do, however, have a 14 week long list of to dues. 14 weeks of house cleaning, laundry, dishes, left over food in the frig., paper work, bills all piling up on me. Each week I put off buying groceries until my husband reluctantly offers to go shopping for me. I then feel terrible and get off my butt and go to the store. This weekend I took five bags of laundry to my parents house, to save me 25 $ and save my sanity. Because nothing would drive me crazier then walking 8 loads of laundry up and down my stairs. Like I said I'm still tired all the time so multiple trips up and down the stairs is beyond overwhelming. Since I finally cleared the bedroom full of clothes, I thought I'd try to clean the rest of the house today. We'll see how I do.

My other growing list is things to buy list. Baby things, Things for our place which we still don't have, new clothes (since nothing fits) and then there's the presents for upcoming babyshowers and bridalshowers. I hate lists! I try not to think about the things to buy list, it's a little overwhelming to think of this list.
Thank God, He gives us nine months to prepare for all this. And thank God for family because if my cleaning list is like it is now, my mom is so going to be cleaning house before this little one comes.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Bra and Undies

I have always been one of those less fortunate girls when it comes to my upper half. I started wearing under wire bras at like 16 because the wireless bras would make me look like Madonna in the 80's. I'm used to being able to find my size anywhere, and being able to get a bra for like 10$ at Target. As most of you know I got married a little over a year ago. This means I got an abundance of beautiful, sexy bras and matching underwear. All of which i can no longer wear. Those beauties just sit in my lingerie drawer tainting me. After a week of wearing a sports bra (because none of my beauties fit), my loving mother took me bra shopping. I had no idea of what size my "new" upper half would be, so i got to try on thirty or more different bras. I heard that pregnant and nursing women shouldn't wear under wires. At first I fears this lack of wire support. That is until I tried on my now purchased bra. The moment I put it on I realized the wonderfulness of grandma bras. It felt like supportive silk. It lifted and supported all without cutting into my side, hurting my ribs. The top of the bra comes up to my neck and the straps are thinker then a tank top but who cares, it's like heaven to the girls. If your pregnant or not married, forget those low cut, sexy, push-ups. Granny bras all the way!!!

The bottom, no half! Now most of my underwear still fits but this doesn't mean that my butt hasn't been doing it's own growing.
True story... Josh and I live in an apartment where it costs 3$ to do a load of laundry, this of course means I have a pile of clothes that pregnant me just doesn't want to wash. I told you this so you would understand my underwear dilemma. Pregnant me is so over sexy underwear but yesterday I had all of two pairs of underwear clean and both were not the comfortable ones. I pick out the one I thought would be more comfortable. A hot red, lacy number. I had a little bit of a hard time getting them past my thick thighs. I tried to pretend that they weren't way too small. So I left them on, me and Josh went on a walk to look at some furniture down the street. The too tight underwear were so far up my butt half-way there that I was begging Josh to let me take them off right there in the street. He didn't let me. Pulling red, lace underwear out from under my skirt, while cars drive by would of been pretty bad. But at this point I so didn't care. I made it home, picking my weg all the way. Before the apartment door shut behind me those underwear were at my ankles. I now know just how big my butt is And it's scary.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

The can't haves

My favorite way to relax is a hot, hot bath and a glass of white wine. It's warm peacefulness that fills me with calm. Let me tell you a lukewarm bath and glass of water.... just not the same.

When you find out your pregnant you think no more drinking and smoking, I can do that, no problem. Then you find out all the other things you also can't do. Like sushi, which I love. Or hot baths, that's right. The heat can be to much on you and the baby. This is probably the hardest thing for me to give up. In fact, I think I'm flirting with the line right now in a more warm, then lukewarm bath. The things parents give up for their children. It starts now and I think the list just starts growing larger once the baby comes. Like sleep and your boobs, those won't be mine anymore all the baby's. I think being a mom is gonna be way different then I thought.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Symptoms or the Side effects

We have all seen the commercials on tv, they promise if you take this pill whatever illness you have will go away, but toward the end of the commercial they list off for ten minutes all the possible side effects, death usually being one of them. When I see these, I think to myself, why take the pill at all. The side effects are worse then the symptoms. This is no longer a commercial I watched but my life.

Everyone tells you during pregnancy you have to go to the bathroom ALOT. And, I did. I wake up in the middle of the night, every night, and use the poody. My husband says it this way, every night I hurl myself out of bed, throw open the door, slam on the light switch and flop on the towelette seat. ( I don't like waking up just to pee). But I thought this was just normal preg stuff. Then, my last trip to the doctor I found out it wasn't just normal preg stuff I had a UTI (urinary track infection). No big deal the doctor gave me a prescription and I sent my husband off to fill it. My husband comes back with a little pill bottle and 33 $ less in our account. Stupid pricey pills.

Well, here is where all the fun begins. That night I take the pill, no thought about it. The next morning I wake up just a little more dizzy then usual. I got up took another pill and eat something. Well, mid morning I had to use the bathroom, not to pee this time. OH, my gosh!!! I never wanted to poop again. While going I had this lovely ache in my back and I was on there awhile. The smell, oh, my. Afterward I sat on my couch wanting to cry, my back still hurting and something else burning. So then I thought is this from my prescription??? I went to the three pages of symptoms they gave me and started reading. " gas, headache, loss of appetite, mild diarrhea, or nausea. Also dizziness, drowsiness" For me the "or" was bull I have ALL of them. and the word mild, if this is mild I never want spicy.

Sorry, about my bluntness, as I said on face book this is my place to vent. And I did tell my husband all about this. In fact I called him not long after this experience.

So, moral of the story is read the side effects before taking the medicine and it may be better to not take the prescription at all. Peeing in the middle of the night is annoying, but not as annoying as being stuck at home because your afraid of having to use anyone elses restroom.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Midnight and I'm not sleeping

I'm 12 wks pregnant today and so tired. In fact I have been tired since before I found out that I was pregnant. Even though It's midnight, I can't sleep. Every time I lay down I feel like all the food I ate HOURs ago is just sitting at the middle of my throat, just hoping to come out. I'm not one of those vomiters during pregnancy. No, instead i just burp and feel like I need to run to the towelette, never really needing it. So here I am so tired, knowing that I have class at 8 tomorrow morning and there is nothing I can do. Nothing but wait for my food to hit my stomach so I can lay down without burping it up every five seconds.