Tuesday, April 13, 2010

The can't haves

My favorite way to relax is a hot, hot bath and a glass of white wine. It's warm peacefulness that fills me with calm. Let me tell you a lukewarm bath and glass of water.... just not the same.

When you find out your pregnant you think no more drinking and smoking, I can do that, no problem. Then you find out all the other things you also can't do. Like sushi, which I love. Or hot baths, that's right. The heat can be to much on you and the baby. This is probably the hardest thing for me to give up. In fact, I think I'm flirting with the line right now in a more warm, then lukewarm bath. The things parents give up for their children. It starts now and I think the list just starts growing larger once the baby comes. Like sleep and your boobs, those won't be mine anymore all the baby's. I think being a mom is gonna be way different then I thought.

1 comment:

  1. The reason they say no sushi is because of bacteria that may be present if it isn't super fresh. If you trust where you go and aren't eating it EVERY day, I think you will be fine. I've had sushi 4 times already(and eaten raw fish at 3 of those 4 times) and am 4 months this Saturday. My thinking on it is that Japanese women eat it throughout their program and their babies are fine. :) Just take all the warnings with a grain of salt ok? :)

