Monday, August 2, 2010

The Uncomforts of Sleep

Third Trimester, here we are! I can't believe I'm less then three months away from meeting my angel. I mean it, I have a hard time believing it. It's strange how you can want something for years and think you are ready for it. Then it's really happening and you find yourself scared enough to pee your pants. And being pregnant makes peeing your pants easy. I maybe a little shocked at the idea of being a mother but the idea of not being pregnant sounds more amazing with each restless night(which are all nights). It seems like the second I hit my third trimester I hit a wall. My back is killing me! Today Josh said to me, " why can't I massage your back and it last a couple of days." I WOULD LOVE IT TO LAST! I hate that at the end of most days some part of my back will have shooting pain that wont let me sleep. All the books say if you have back pain then you shouldn't do anything for to long, you know sitting, laying, standing. You are supposed to switch it up. But it's really hard to "switch it up" when you want 8 hours(or longer) of sleep at night. Like in the middle of sleeping I want to get up and walk around, or sit on the computer for 30 minutes before laying back down(which is actually what I am doing right now). What I have been doing is changing my sleep position 8 or 9 times a night. Usually one of the positions is sitting up, I prop a butt load of pillows behind my back and I sleep like that. No lie. Yesterday, I was having intense shoulder pain(please note I am also very emotional, the closer to delivering the more emotional I am) and thinking I CAN'T DO THIS FOR 3 MONTHS so I started crying... from shoulder pain, what a baby. I'm supposed to be a mom, not the crying baby. I kept thinking if I can't handle my back hurting then labor is not gonna go so well. I think a baby coming out of my "girli" is going to hurt alot more then my back is hurting. Other then hating sleep because its more tossing then sleep, I'm doing good. Baby Bliss is moving ALL the time. It's nice to feel her. No hiccups yet. I kind of want her to get them just because I have heard so much about how weird it feels.

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