Tuesday, May 4, 2010

For married and not my parents eyes only...

DISCLAIMER: This blog is for those who are pregnant or may become pregnant.

Now last blog I told you how everyone says you will have energy the second you enter your 2nd trimester and I am yet to see that happen. Now there is one place in my life I have seen a significant change. During my 1st trimester I was so tired and sick that I hated being touched! You gave me a hug my boobs would hurt, you put your arm around my stomach and I thought I'd throw up. It was bad and my poor husband could do nothing right, let alone anything to turn me on. On the few occasion I'd feel up to anything, it was more like, are you done? I'm ready for bed. Like I said this is the one area that has changed since I entered my 2nd trimester and I'd have to say if i could of picked which area this would of been my pick. TMI, but last night my husband didn't have to do any seducing (which is crazy, surprising for pregnant me) and I'd have to say he was very surprised himself. So if you are in your first trimester and desperate for some energy, you will get it, maybe not in all areas but hopefully in this one ;)

1 comment:

  1. Glad you are having more energy! :) I was sick with various ailments the first 3 weeks of my second tri so didn't immediately feel that surge of energy but now that I'm past that and at the 4.5 month mark I definitely have more energy too! YAY FOR ENERGY and YAY FOR NOT HATING TO BE TOUCHED!
