Monday, May 24, 2010

Now that was the Baby!

As all of you know I have been anxiously awaiting the baby moving. I had one time that I told you about that I thought I felt little Monkey move. Well as of yesterday there is no question that he/she is moving! Last night me and Josh were watching Office( as we so often do) and I felt this little push in my tummy. It startled me and I jumped. Josh looked at me strangely and said, "what?" I told him I felt the baby! It was exiting to know for sure that it wasn't just gas. Later that same night I crawled into bed and laid on my left side, when my stomach started rolling! That little Monkey was dancing or practicing cartwheels. I felt constant movement for like 30 seconds. It was CRAZY. I told Josh and he tried to feel him/her but didn't feel anything. He wanted to feel it so badly, it was cute. The funny thing was that Josh pushed so hard it felt like he was just pushing the baby from side to side in my tummy.

SIdeNote: Our ultrasound is scheduled for June 2nd! Which means as long as MOnkey isn't sitting cross legged then we will know if Monkey is a girl monkey or a boy monkey!!!!

1 comment:

  1. EEEKKKKK! I can't wait to find out! I still have to wait another 6 weeks =(
