Sunday, April 18, 2010

Bra and Undies

I have always been one of those less fortunate girls when it comes to my upper half. I started wearing under wire bras at like 16 because the wireless bras would make me look like Madonna in the 80's. I'm used to being able to find my size anywhere, and being able to get a bra for like 10$ at Target. As most of you know I got married a little over a year ago. This means I got an abundance of beautiful, sexy bras and matching underwear. All of which i can no longer wear. Those beauties just sit in my lingerie drawer tainting me. After a week of wearing a sports bra (because none of my beauties fit), my loving mother took me bra shopping. I had no idea of what size my "new" upper half would be, so i got to try on thirty or more different bras. I heard that pregnant and nursing women shouldn't wear under wires. At first I fears this lack of wire support. That is until I tried on my now purchased bra. The moment I put it on I realized the wonderfulness of grandma bras. It felt like supportive silk. It lifted and supported all without cutting into my side, hurting my ribs. The top of the bra comes up to my neck and the straps are thinker then a tank top but who cares, it's like heaven to the girls. If your pregnant or not married, forget those low cut, sexy, push-ups. Granny bras all the way!!!

The bottom, no half! Now most of my underwear still fits but this doesn't mean that my butt hasn't been doing it's own growing.
True story... Josh and I live in an apartment where it costs 3$ to do a load of laundry, this of course means I have a pile of clothes that pregnant me just doesn't want to wash. I told you this so you would understand my underwear dilemma. Pregnant me is so over sexy underwear but yesterday I had all of two pairs of underwear clean and both were not the comfortable ones. I pick out the one I thought would be more comfortable. A hot red, lacy number. I had a little bit of a hard time getting them past my thick thighs. I tried to pretend that they weren't way too small. So I left them on, me and Josh went on a walk to look at some furniture down the street. The too tight underwear were so far up my butt half-way there that I was begging Josh to let me take them off right there in the street. He didn't let me. Pulling red, lace underwear out from under my skirt, while cars drive by would of been pretty bad. But at this point I so didn't care. I made it home, picking my weg all the way. Before the apartment door shut behind me those underwear were at my ankles. I now know just how big my butt is And it's scary.


  1. This is so funny Jo, finally got to read it. I can totally see you doing that.

  2. My butt has always been can imagine what I'm gonna look like... already AM looking like. I feel your pain.
