Sunday, May 29, 2011

To soon post-pregnant first time mothers

If you are reading books and hearing how all these silly and terrible side effects will vanish the moment that little one inside of you comes out...DON'T believe them. Those wonderful side effects can hold on for quite a while. The large tummy isn't left on the deliver room floor, only your good excuse for the extra weigh disappears then. Those lovely stretch marks, well I had my bundle of joy seven months ago and those marks are still around. The worse part in during the initial shrinking of the stomach the marks seem to grow and darken. I have notice about a week ago that my thigh marks are lightening, so there is some hope that those pink lines will not remain forever. My brown stomach line, oh what is that called? Well that thing hung on for about two months, which is fine because you really don't want anyone to look at your stomach anyway. And I mean anyone, husbands included.
Now there are those blessed few, you know the ones that the rest of us hate, that wake up the next day put on there pre-pregnancy pants and run the mile. Maybe you are one of those lucky witches, well then this blog isn't for you. I have yet to fit into my size fours(pre-preg. size). Me I'm still in limbo then it comes to clothing. At first I refused to buy bigger clothes, telling myself I'd make it into those old clothes soon enough. Well after 5 months of nothing to wear I made my way to the store and bought some new jeans. Now the fun part was that I recently lost a pound or two, just enough that my newly bought clothes and bagging but my old clothes still don't fit. My body keeps changing and I closet keeps growing with clothes I can't wear. I'm starting to consider the moomoo, at least those are easy to fit.
The fun of pregnancy doesn't end with birth.

Friday, May 27, 2011


MY Little Boo boo is close to seven months old. Life with this little girl is full of smiles, laughter, and very little sleep. At 6 months and 1 week old my busy girl started crawling and she is getting quite good at it. During my pregnancy we called her monkey and she is starting to life up to that name. She climbs all over, usually all over me. Me and Josh are active as it is no wonder that she is an active girl. Even though I'm often running on little sleep I'm glad she's an active girl. It is fun. She is full of energy and personality. I love her so much