Monday, May 24, 2010

Now that was the Baby!

As all of you know I have been anxiously awaiting the baby moving. I had one time that I told you about that I thought I felt little Monkey move. Well as of yesterday there is no question that he/she is moving! Last night me and Josh were watching Office( as we so often do) and I felt this little push in my tummy. It startled me and I jumped. Josh looked at me strangely and said, "what?" I told him I felt the baby! It was exiting to know for sure that it wasn't just gas. Later that same night I crawled into bed and laid on my left side, when my stomach started rolling! That little Monkey was dancing or practicing cartwheels. I felt constant movement for like 30 seconds. It was CRAZY. I told Josh and he tried to feel him/her but didn't feel anything. He wanted to feel it so badly, it was cute. The funny thing was that Josh pushed so hard it felt like he was just pushing the baby from side to side in my tummy.

SIdeNote: Our ultrasound is scheduled for June 2nd! Which means as long as MOnkey isn't sitting cross legged then we will know if Monkey is a girl monkey or a boy monkey!!!!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Was that you Monkey?

Today as I blow-dried my hair I felt something! It was in my lower abdomen it felt kind of like a slow moving bubble, but a little different. I thought to myself was that the baby???? During the last couple days I had given up trying to feel Monkey. I was in denial that I would every feel this little one. I would go all nine months without a move. He(she) would just lay in my tummy as still as possible until he(she) popped out one day. I was being just a little extreme... When I first heard that I was at the point of being able to feel the baby, every night I would torture myself. I would sit in bed hold really still and focus on my tummy. I would be so focused that I would almost forget to breath. At times I would move from side to side wanting to see if that would make Monkey move. When that wouldn't work I would push on my stomach. I did this every night for like twenty minutes. It was silly and ridicules. I didn't care if I was being silly, I just wanted to feel something! It is so frustrating to see your boobs, butt, and belly grow without everyday conformation that your growing butt is for your beloved baby. This Friday I have another check up. It will be nice to hear Monkeys heart beat and be told once again he's (she's) there and healthy. So today, the 18th of May might have been the felt first baby movement. Again I say might. Who really can tell the difference when they have never felt it before.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

A night sleep FINALLY

Last night was probably the first night in 17 weeks that I didn't wake up once to pee!! It was amazing. I think it was only because the last two nights I haven't slept at all really. Thursday night was like a sitcom. Josh and I went to bed at 10ish, ( which is late for us, we are old married people) about two minutes after Josh fell asleep I became STARVING. I tried so hard to ignore my screaming stomach and just fall asleep but it was impossible. I pulled my tired body out of bed and made so food. I peed before going back to bed probably around 12. I laid in bed unable to get comfortable for EVER, ok more like an hour. But can you imagine tossing and turning for an HOUR. It feels like forever. So then after an hour of uncomfort I HAD TO PEE. That is right it had only been an hour and I had to pee again. So I got up and used the bathroom hoping that once I did I could finally fall asleep. At 1:00 am it is very dark in the apartment so I was forced to turn on the bathroom light so i didn't pee on the floor or the closed toilet seat.(wouldn't that of sucked) Of course, the bright light shocked my brain to wide awake. So once I laid back in bed I was having to fall asleep from square one. Finally, after ten or so minutes I fall into a sweet slumber. It was amazing to finally be comfortable and asleep. Sadly this didn't last very long. Around 5:00 I woke up to that so familiar urge, that right I had to pee again. The terrible part here is when I got in bed my lovely husband's alarm started to go off. He decided to hit snooze for a half an hour. During this time I laid wide awake listening to Bob Marley every five minutes(his alarm). When he got his lazy butt out of bed I got to finally fall back to sleep just to wake up two hours late to start my day. It was easily my worst night of pregnancy.
Friday night was bad too, my hip was hurting and getting comfortable was next to impossible. At least, on friday I only woke up to pee once. But, I still only got like 5 hour which was divide up by uncomfortable wake ups.
So two Horrible nights of sleep led to one great night of sleep.

Friday, May 14, 2010


During my father-in-laws rabbit-trail toast at our wedding he told a story about Josh. Went Josh was little he said he wanted to have a van full of monkeys and travel the world. This story has haunted us ever since that long toast. We are not having a baby but one of the many monkey that will end up filling a van and traveling with us. I had not fought this idea but received it with open arms.
So Josh and I have lovingly nick-named our baby MONKEY.
***as you can see by the pictures my mom has gone a little monkey crazy.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Move Already!!!

As of Mother's Day I am 16 weeks pregnant and I heard somewhere (preg. books I'm reading like crazy) that at 16 wks you can feel the baby move. I also heard that when you are "thin" you may be able to feel the baby move earlier. Just one more joy of being skinny(though I am not so skinny right now). Of course, I heard this a while ago so for the last few days all I can think is WHY AREN'T YOU MOVING!!! I go from worrying that something is terribly wrong, to being insanely mad at my growing, unborn baby for not being active enough. Like he/she will get fat in there if he/she doesn't exercise or something. Pregnancy makes you a little crazy. The funny thing is that my midwife told me that it is common for women not to feel the baby until their 20th week of pregnancy. I am an inpatient women who would like to feel my 5 inch baby moving!!! Now I know that is will only be the beginning of something that will end up annoying me greatly later on. Can you image when the little one is 30 something weeks along and kicking me in the lungs. Then I wont be so happy about the feeling him/her part but for now MOVE BABY!!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

For married and not my parents eyes only...

DISCLAIMER: This blog is for those who are pregnant or may become pregnant.

Now last blog I told you how everyone says you will have energy the second you enter your 2nd trimester and I am yet to see that happen. Now there is one place in my life I have seen a significant change. During my 1st trimester I was so tired and sick that I hated being touched! You gave me a hug my boobs would hurt, you put your arm around my stomach and I thought I'd throw up. It was bad and my poor husband could do nothing right, let alone anything to turn me on. On the few occasion I'd feel up to anything, it was more like, are you done? I'm ready for bed. Like I said this is the one area that has changed since I entered my 2nd trimester and I'd have to say if i could of picked which area this would of been my pick. TMI, but last night my husband didn't have to do any seducing (which is crazy, surprising for pregnant me) and I'd have to say he was very surprised himself. So if you are in your first trimester and desperate for some energy, you will get it, maybe not in all areas but hopefully in this one ;)